What is Jingle Jam?
Since its inception in 2011 Jingle Jam has raised a total of $25m for more than 20 charities. It’s recognised as the world’s biggest charity gaming event. The livestreams are a Twitch institution, regularly reaching 250,000 unique users over the month. This includes more than 60,000 live concurrents at peak. Jingle Jam is now a registered charity in England and Wales (1200061)When is it?
Jingle Jam will take place from the 1st – 14th December 2022, streamers across the world will be raising some essential funds for 12 great charities – RESET MH IS Honoured to be one of them.
How can people get involved/support?
– As part of Jingle Jam you make donations towards our charity at https://jinglejam.tiltify.com/ . All donations made that are £35 or more will be able to get a games bundle worth hundreds of pounds. The games in the collection will be announced on 1st December 2022 on the above link also.
– We’re calling all creators to take part in the world’s biggest games charity event. Jingle Jam is using Tiltify as their fundraising platform, which allows anyone to take part. Whilst streaming you also have the option to offer Jingle Jam Games Collection to your community members that donated £35 or more.
If you’re a streamer and/or content creator and are interested in joining the festive fundraising, step-by-step information and assets are included in Jingle Jam’s official 2022 Toolkit which can be found here
What money from Jingle Jam will help fund?
The Jingle Jam funding will make a big difference in the work we do. It will allow us to fund and deliver The Reset Young Black Mind’s project which aims to improve the mental wellbeing of young adults from underfunded and underserved black communities. These communities have faced continuous inequalities in mental health services and have been impacted disproportionately as a result of the pandemic.
The project will achieve this by providing free tailored mental health support services that are culturally appropriate and accessible. These services will include: Mental Health First Aid Training, Peer Support Services, individual and group therapy sessions.
Please let us know if your interested in the participating in Jingle Jam 2022 – register your interest below
Can the above be the title and can we have simple sign up like the one below with all responses directed to info@resetmh.co.uk.
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone in the gaming community that makes this possible – especially the publishers and developers who donate games to the bundle and of course to Yogscast & Fourth Floor/Jingle Jam Team for creating such an incredible event raising funds for charities.
To find out more about all the great work Jingle Jm has done over the years please visit Jingle Jam’s Website https://www.jinglejam.co.uk